Tuesday, February 24, 2009

HW: The "Third World" Discussion

In class, we have been discussing what separates the United States and other "first world" countries from developing countries, sometimes called "third world" countries.

For HW, you will post a comment to this entry with a reflection on this topic. In your post: give examples of "first," "second" or "third" world countries (by doing an internet search). Read the comments made by your classmates and respond to what they are saying. A place to start the comments might be: if "third world" is an offensive name, is there a better alternative? Also,here is a picture of school in a "third world" country. How is it different or similar to school in the US? You can respond to anyone's comments, whether that person is in your class period or not. Be considerate and respectful; strive to make an interesting point!

Remember, comments policy: use first name and last initial only.


  1. Justin (j-dawg)

    Justin P.
    I do not at all think that third world is an offensive name. Calling it anything else is just feeding to the madness of people being offended by everything. Well here's something; LIFE IS OFFENSIVE! If you want to be offended anything will offend you. So go ahead, be offended. I dont' care but I certainly won't put third world in quotation marks.

  2. Erika L

    For this big discussion over whether being called a "Third World Country" is believed to be a derogatory comment I believe that it could be viewed in one of two ways. One way is that it is a derogatory comment because the people have no choice over whether their country is "Third World". Or you could look at this comment and think like me that the comment is irrelevant. I believe that being called a "Third World Country" is irrelevant because its just a name and as Justin had stated in class anything could be viewed as a derogatory comment and names don't make people or places what they are and they can do things to change it so it IS in someways the countries fault for being called "Third Worldly".

  3. OK, I deleted the verification word, so you should be able to post.

    Someone give it a try!

    ps. this is Ms. Aiello

  4. Jacob B.
    I agree with the first two posts, being called anything could be an insult, it's all in the way it's delivered. Third world is just a name, one that most everyone understands. People (like me) might not understand if you described a country as "developing" but would certainly understand if you used "third world". So in essence third world is a correct and proper descriptive word and should not be condemned.

  5. Hannah B.
    I think it doesnt matter what you call it. I believe that both names are not the same thing however but rather they apply to two different cases. they picture out side shows a classroom in a "third world country". however this is what i would call a developing country, because they are not fully developed but are clearly in the midst of developing. They have aknowleged they fact that they need a school, or if its a country with a goverment they relized that they need a goverment. in the places that vicky brought up in class, some islands that downt have any goverment, thats what i would call a thrid world country. they are not developing, they have not realized what they need and what can benefit them the most. So it doesnt matter so much as to if you use the terminology "third world" or "developing" because they are seperate things in which you should stop to think about. if they havent developed yet, then i dont mean to be degrading, but maybe they havent earned enought respect to be called a developing country. the united states learned how to earn respect. we are developed. and were like at the top. the U.S. earned it. so perhapes its a honor thing. were respect can earn you a higher name.


    Unfortunately I figured the topic of discussion would be this one. Yes, being called a Third World Country can offend some and the indivigual effect, it has may hurt, but off that point it should be called a Progressive Nation for the sake of progesion itself. It is more modivational and an inspiring title for some helpless and impoverished (beyond a citizen's control)nations. C Block should remeber what I said in class any motion possitive or negative is PROGRESS!


    "The complex patterns of these problems in the developing countries are shaped by differences in wealth, environment, and political systems."


    Feel free to read this insightful article.

    I agree completely that these three factors are what greatly create a Progressive Nation/Third World Nation(what ever you prefer). Although primarily I blame the corrupted minds of human beings and their ignorance to the outside world beyond their own. Corruption occurs when power is fed and not maintained by an opposing voice. Now I am prepared to stand by my position that Communism is not as corrupt as one is lead to believe. I said it once before and I'll say it again. HISTORIANS HAVE A GRUESOME OBSESSION WITH FAILURE! Do they ever speak of the success in the Russian government. NO! And speaking of historians I'd like to use this as a seg-way into the topic of ignorance. Take Indonesia for example. It is made up of a cluster of small islands. Small islands that have not been entirely touched by modern man. These small nations are progressing at an extremely slow pace, but modern man should not push them to learn of modern ways to fast because speed leads to corruption!

    There is so much more to say....but I'll leave the rest of you to say it for me instead of droning on for hours.

    Thanks for reading.

  7. Kali P.

    I don't feel that the term "third world" country is offensive unless it is looked at by that perspective, it simply classifies how good of shape a country is in just like how in America we have upper class, middle class, etc. The school shown in the picture above is obviously not even close to the standards of those in the US, which is a "first world" country. People in "third world" countries who have education are considered extremely lucky, while for people here it is just a normal thing that is expected from you. Using terms such as first second and third world countries can also give you a hint as to how well that specific country's economy, government, etc. is.

  8. Judging from the picture, you cannot tell what differences lay between our education and theirs besides the sanitation of the building. For all we know, we are recieving the same information as they are. But that is the real thing; we don't know and the ignorance in 'first world' countries is what separates the countries all the more...
    And a note on the naming of "third world" countries: i agree with Jacob B because as Shakespeare best put it "what is in a name? That which we call a rose would by any other name smell as sweet" Those who protest a name are simply interpreting it in the way they best seek fit to attract attention to themselves. Vicky's idea is quite inspiring and heart warming, to call them Progessive Nations, but their measure of progession needs be calculated! Just a few thoughts...
    Heather G.

  9. I agree with Heather, the way something looks (i.e. the picture above) has nothing to do with the quality or standard of teaching. Its just our perception of the place. I also think that third world countries could be better in certain areas they just don't know how to distibute that "across the board". They might quite simply be on a slower track which is ok because everyone takes their time just like in school.
    I also do not feel that the term "Third World" is offensive! It is all in the way you feel and you can't always trust your feelings!
    Fallin D.

  10. As Justin has mentioned on this page, the naming of this term as "offensive" does nothing for the world except fuel a growing and disturbingly dangerous event. This event is when the government realizes that no sentence or phrase that leaves a human mouth can slip through the world without offending someone, and they proceed to cover up any and all terms communicated that can offend a person or group.

    Rock on, my good people!

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  11. Well I understand where these people criticizing the name "third world" are coming from. They feel that being called that is degrading, and makes them feel not as important as the rest of the world. It also makes them seem less civilized than the rest of the world, and this really hurts their pride, since they usually feel just as important as other countries, regardless of technology. I think the name however shouldn't maatter because the people from these countries need to know that "third world" is not ment to be offensive and is just due to the fact that the people of the "first world" don't know how it would feel to be in the position of a "third world" country, and are a bit biased. I think we need to take into account how this affects their pride and be considerate and listen to their opinion.

    Omar B.

  12. Amelia B.

    The term "third world" country seems somewhat offensive. If i were living in a third world country, i probably would think it did sound offensive. For one, its making that country seem less important. By saying third world country its also saying that first and second world countries are more civilized and structured.

  13. Sarah J.

    I think that calling a country a "Third World" country is not offensive. Wether you call them "third world" countries or developing countries, you are still talking about the same place. It's just a name. However, if people are offended by the name "third world", we should respect that. People of the "first word" wouldn't know how it feels to be part of the "third world" so they don't have such strong feelings about what developing countries should be called.

  14. Sam L.

    I had some trouble with the word verification before but here goes...

    I think that the term "Third world" isn't that offensive but some people might interpret it the wrong way. its not a bad term but it can be read the wrong way! Also in my opinion our country isn't a first world or a third world. Our country the U.S.A.is a perfect utopia! I'm not saying that other countries like England or France ECT. I'm just saying that our country is still working out the kinks in its ways! In my opinion (no one has to agree with me on this!) England France Spain Portugal ECT. have been around longer that our country and they have had time to adapt to their surroundings more I think that the older country's should be a First world rated country, and our country (Since its still developing and growing into its surroundings) should be called a Second World country Also the country's that are just starting to develop ex. Darfur Ethiopia ECT. should stand at their rating as a third world country!
    I also thinks the countries should be rated using the Key
    Developed ex. England, France...
    Almost developed ex. U.S.A., Mexico...
    Sill developing ex. Darfur, Ethiopia...
    that way people wont interpret it wrong thinking there country is beneath others!

  15. I am very impressed by the quality of these responses!

    So, maybe "developing" is kinder? If so, what does developing refer to- what is developed in the US that is not in those countries?

    Keep it up!
    Miss A.

  16. Unless the term "third world" is used in a rude way (which would be totally mean and something I completely advise against), then the term isn't all that bad.

    I personally think describing a "third world" country as a "developing" country is a much better way to go about things, because it is gentler.

    (Even though Justin and Max think that this is "feeding to the madness," and in a way it is, but the term "third world" isn't really offensive. "Developing" may just be a kinder way to describe these countries.)

    The world isn't going to fall apart if we use the term "third world," but "developing" is also more accurate. If the country is third world then it is developing!

    Both terms are perfect for describing a "third world" country.

  17. Sorry to repeat myself but does anyone, anyone at all have anything to add to mine?
    (I'm really interested in hearing what people think about the topic.....)

    "The complex patterns of these problems in the developing countries are shaped by differences in wealth, environment, and political systems."


    Feel free to read this insightful article.

    I agree completely that these three factors are what greatly create a Progressive Nation/Third World Nation(what ever you prefer). Although primarily I blame the corrupted minds of human beings and their ignorance to the outside world beyond their own. Corruption occurs when power is fed and not maintained by an opposing voice. Now I am prepared to stand by my position that Communism is not as corrupt as one is lead to believe. I said it once before and I'll say it again. HISTORIANS HAVE A GRUESOME OBSESSION WITH FAILURE! Do they ever speak of the success in the Russian government. NO! And speaking of historians I'd like to use this as a seg-way into the topic of ignorance. Take Indonesia for example. It is made up of a cluster of small islands. Small islands that have not been entirely touched by modern man. These small nations are progressing at an extremely slow pace, but modern man should not push them to learn of modern ways to fast because speed leads to corruption!

    There is so much more to say....but I'll leave the rest of you to say it for me instead of droning on for hours.

    Thanks for reading.

  18. B.S (Bryan)

    The term third world can be, and usually is associated with a country that is completely foreign to our American "first world life" though this may be true in many cases many other first world countries (essentially high income countries)are completely different then ours. Just because the country is considered first world don't necessarily think of that as being "first class" many countries that are classified as first world have poverty stricken citizens that may have a quality of living that is worse than some third world country citizens (even our country has a growing amount each day). And although the terms may have originated hundreds of years later in the cold war doesn't it ring a bell that America which before becoming a country was made up of colonies and as with any new country it was quite undeveloped when it was starting out. So, the big old America would have been given called a third world country. Is that where we are heading back too due to the ever growing unstable economy?

  19. Brendon k.

    I also agree with those who think "3rd world" should'nt be considered a "bad name". It's just a name. For those who say it means they are different than first world countrys, to be frank they are. The unfortunate truth is they have a lower standard of liveing and more poverty and political unstability.

    Also, to rebut vicky's point that all experirence is progress because countrys learn from their mistakes, thats is only true is they really LEARN from their mistakes and do not have similar problems in the funure, which is not often the case.

    To call many of these countrys "developing" is unaccrurate in many cases. Many countrys have been killing eachother for years and will never stop. A country cannot build with nothing to build upon. If the country's political leaders are constantly changing in viloent ways, they cant build to a futute, the future is too uncirtin.

  20. Alec D.

    Even if "Third World" is an offensive name to some people, if we find an alternative to it people will just find another reason to be offended. If we call it a "Developing" country, that could be considered offensive, though they are developing. Any name could be considered offensive.

  21. Maya B.

    I agree with what Vicky said that we should not push small nations to learn of the modern ways to quickly. If we do then they stop with the religious and traditional things that happen outside of moving forward. The small, slow paced countries are what ties us to the past. Their land has not been dug up to build factories or malls. It holds unfound secrets and treasures. They have the ceremonies and traditions that have been passed down for years within their culture. Also pushing a nation to change to what we want can lead to fighting and war. That can lead to splitting within the country which will bring the country down further than it already is.

    I don't agree with what Brendon said. If a country believes that it can never change then it won't. George Washington didn't have anything to build on when he became president and look where we are now.

  22. Maya B.

    Also to comment on being called a "third world country". I think it is offensive. We don't feel the offensiveness because we are not the ones being called a "third world country". We are called "first world" which makes us feel good and look good. If we were to live in one of the progressing/developing countries and we were called a "third world country" I don't think we would like it. Why are they given a degrading name because they aren't like us? Also who is the one who came up with nameing countries. Who is to say that they can just go around catagorizing countries. And why aren't we the "third world countries", why are we "first"?

  23. MT D-Block

    I don't believe that the term "Third World Country" is an insult to the countries being called that. It is, in a way, like the judgement of Freshmen to the higher grades (A.K.A. "Upper Class.") We are looked down upon as rude, annoying, etc. even though we are just like them, only a few grades behind them. It is simply just a term that distinguishes them from the rest of the countries, both "First World" and "Second World" alike.

    MT....... OUT!!!!!!
